The info day of the project "HeRuDNet", funded by the European Union with the aim of supporting the development and activism of civil society organizations through a participatory approach and strengthening dialogue and implementation of development policies, was held in the premises of Linnovate Business Park, in Livno, on Wednesday, June 12, 2024.
Sustainable development of rural (non-urban) space is crucial for maintaining the resource base, valorization of strategic advantages, especially small entrepreneurship as a driver of innovation, and demographic stabilization, through local partnerships in which civil society organizations and development stakeholders play a significant role.
This was recognized within the framework of the European Union's support program for civil society organizations, whose one of the projects was presented on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 in Livno in the form of an info day within the project "Establishment of the Network for Rural Development of Herzegovina-HeRuDNet",funded by the European Union. On that occasion, the goals, expected results and planned activities, as well as the key participants of the project, were presented.
The attendees were addressed by Božo Perić, Minister of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry of the Herzeg-Bosnia County, Ivica Sivrić, Director of REDAH, Lead Partner, Nikola Periša, Director of the Linnovate Foundation Livno, Project Partner and Marko Franjičević, Project Coordinator of the Linnovate Foundation, Project Assistant.
Among other things, activities that will strengthen the capacities of civil society organizations, members (HeRuDNet), to increase the participation of CSOs in the process of policy alignment in accordance with relevant EU policies in the field of rural development through trainings in strategic and organizational development, lobbying, advocacy, public policies at the local, regional and entity level were presented. Their participation and activity will also be increased through thematic round tables and the Rural Parliament of Herzegovina, as well as participation in the development of strategic, analytical and other documents as tools for policy change.
The lead project partner is the Association for Economic Development REDAH Mostar, which, together with partners, the Agricultural Cluster Old Herzegovina from Trebinje and the LINNOVATE Foundation from Livno, will commit to implementing the project in establishing a functional and sustainable network for rural development of Herzegovina, in order to improve the living and working conditions of the inhabitants of Herzegovina through its activities.
The project will work on improving the activism of civil society organizations by increasing the participation and representation of the rural population and entrepreneurs in social and political initiatives, and the influence of civil society on decision-makers (rural space management, economic issues and policy definition) in the target domain of rural development. The project will last for three years (2024-2027), with a total value of 662,133 Euros, of which the EU finances 90% of the project value (595,800 Euros).