Nabavka meteoroloških stanica
referentni broj 30-01-155/24
Asocijacija za ekonomski razvoj REDAH nakon pregleda i odobrenja evaluacijskog izvješća pripremljenog od strane evaluacijske komisije na dan 17.1.2025. godine, donosi odluku dodijeliti ugovor ugovorne vrijednosti 234.308,40 KM poduzeću diVision Agro d.o.o. ugovor.
Ugovor se dodjeljuje u okviru projekta „Uspostava Mreže za ruralni razvoj Hercegovine-HeRuDNet“, financiranog od strane Europske unije u okviru programa EU4CS - Support to existing and newly established Civil Society Organisations' networks.
Odluku o dodjeli je moguće pronaći ovdje: c7b_awardecision_en
Procurement of meteorological stations
ref 30-01-155/24
The Association for Economic Development REDAH, after reviewing and approving the evaluation report prepared by the evaluation committee on January 17, 2025, has made the decision to award a contract with a contractl value of 234,308.40 BAM to the company diVision Agro d.o.o.
The contract is awarded within the project "Establishment of Herzegovina Rural Development Network-HeRuDNet", financed by the European Union within the programme EU4CS - Support to existing and newly established Civil Society Organisations' networks.
The decision on the award can be found here: c7b_awardecision_en