REDAH continues its cooperation with the municipality of Han Pijesak


On Wednesday, June 19, 2024, the first workshop was held in the premises of the municipality of Han Pijesak for the purpose of drafting the Tourism Development Strategy of the Municipality of Han Pijesak 2025-27. Besides representatives of Redah, the workshop was attended by members of the Working Group for Strategy Development, who are representatives of the public, non-governmental and private sectors.

The first part of the workshop related to the basics of strategic planning, its importance, principles, as well as the importance of the participation of various actors in the preparation, creation and implementation of strategic documents. The participants were presented with the methodology, steps and dynamic plan in creating the document. In the second part of the workshop, the focus was on preparations for the production of the situational analysis, and the deadlines and responsibilities for the preparation of individual parts of the analysis were agreed upon.

The development of the Tourism Development Strategy of the municipality of Han Pijesak is carried out within the project "Development of rural tourism as the basis of future sustainable development in the cross-border region of Serbia and BiH" which is financed through IPA CBC Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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Asocijacija za ekonomski
razvoj Redah
Bulevar narodne revolucije 15.
88000 Mostar
Bosna i Hercegovina
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