Training "Start Your Business" has begun


On January 24, 2025, the "Start Your Business" training began in Neum as part of the support for small business development. The partner organizations involved in the program include the Municipality of Neum, the Municipality of Ravno, the City of Stolac, the Employment Service of HNŽ-HNK, Hotel Villa Nova d.o.o. Neum, Stolac High School, Neum High School, and the Association for Economic Development REDAH Mostar. This program is part of the project "Employment Training in the Tourism and Hospitality Sector in Herzegovina."

The project is one of 26 local initiatives under the intervention "EU Support to Local Employment Partnerships – Phase II," funded by the European Union and implemented by the International Labour Organization.

16 candidates have been selected to participate in the training. During the application process, candidates briefly presented their business ideas, and now they have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to start their own business.

The training is conducted following the methodology of the International Labour Organization. The total duration of the training is 6 days, across three locations: Neum, Stolac and Mostar.

The training includes both theoretical and practical components, and participants will create a business plan for their business ideas. During 6 days, candidates will have the opportunity to acquire new knowledge to further develop their business ideas and consolidate their business plans. The educational program will cover the following topics: Business plan, consolidation the business idea, marketing plan, employment, organization and management, procurement, determination product and service costs, financial planning, startup capital, and refining the business plan.

The benefits of this program include: • Advisory and expert support • Financial support for the best business plans • Additional training programs such as "Improve Your Business" and "Digitize Your Business"

The project aims to reduce the disbalance between the high number of unemployed individuals currently registered and the growing demand for specific professional profiles in the tourism sector. Through the planned activities, the local partnership will initiate processes to create methods and tools for long-term sustainability, directly contributing to the activation and employment of a certain number of individuals from the Employment Service registry.

The total value of this project, implemented by the LPZ Turizam Hercegovina is EUR 210,462.23, with EUR 166,140.00 funded by the European Union.

LPZ Turizam Hercegovina is one of the 26 partnerships established in Bosnia and Herzegovina within the framework of the project "Support of the European Union to local partnerships for employment - Phase II" (LEP II), which is financed by the European Union with 6 million euros, and implemented by the International Labor Organization (ILO ). This project aims to contribute to the improvement of employment in local communities through local partnerships for employment and improve the skills and opportunities for employment of persons in a disadvantageous position on the labor market.

For more information about the LEP II project, visit and social media channels (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube).


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Asocijacija za ekonomski
razvoj Redah
Bulevar narodne revolucije 15.
88000 Mostar
Bosna i Hercegovina
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